Jo Miles
I’m originally from Dublin, arriving in Henley, via London, in 2005. I’ve run my own picture framing business, Miles of Frames, in Singers Lane for 15 years now where I’ve framed a huge variety of artwork and strange items! I’m very proud of the personal recommendations I receive for my work, which has led to framing contracts with a large number of personal and corporate customers, including The Leander Club and Henley Royal Regatta.
For many years I’ve had a side interest in art and cartoons and about a year ago I discovered Jennie Maizels’ Sketchbook Club. Since then, I haven’t looked back. Right from the start, what I loved about Sketchbook Club is that as a totally untrained artist, I was able to create an impressive sketchbook that was very personal and light hearted. Sketchbook Club uses templates, tracing and colouring to teach you how to sketch, in the same way that you'd use a recipe to learn how to cook a new dish.
The biggest challenge for new sketchers is the ‘fear’ of the empty page, and knowing how to start. Sketchbook Club totally removes that challenge; there's no pressure to come up with ideas yourself, everything is supplied and explained for you. This fun & informal course is aimed at anyone who’s ever wanted to sketch, but doesn’t think they can draw; I promise, you’ll be amazed and thrilled at what you can create!