Online Unguided Portrait Session - Solivagant

Time & Location
22 Nov 2023, 19:00 – 21:00 GMT
Online Zoom Event
About the Event
Our glorious Model: Soli
Welcome to our Unguided Online Portrait Drawing session
ANYONE can join these sessions, all degrees of skill (artists below the age of 16 will need an accompanying adult for nude sessions) - maybe you've been too nervous to give it a go in real life? Now is your chance to have a go in the comfort of your own home and build your confidence up! We're lucky to be in contact with some truly extraordinary Life Models, from all over the world, who have made the online leap with relative ease, setting up some great backdrops and lighting in their own homes. We'll be following a pretty typical pattern for the sessions: shorter warm ups followed by some longer poses with a break in between.
All you need to do is download the Zoom app, then you can be drawing to your hearts content for 2 whole hours with one of our amazing live models. Zoom is free and it's really pretty easy to navigate, it's being used the world over for meetings, online yoga sessions, guitar lessons and of course ART CLASSES!
Please take the time to read our Booking Policy at the bottom of this page - this includes any information about missing the session/refunds/changing dates etc. Your booking is accepted by us assuming you have read this information.
Once you have paid for your session, as well as your receipt, you should receive an email from us straight away (via an automated system). This email will give you a link as well as some very clear and easy to follow instructions on how to join in. You’ll need a computer or tablet with good internet connection - we don't advise drawing from a phone - the image really is tiny.
If you haven’t received this email and link from us within 10 minutes of making your order, please check your junk folder, we find that most of them end up there. Some email security systems block emails from a Wix website (the kind where you build it yourself, which is what ours is), the best way to stop this happening repeatedly is to add our email address to your contacts. If our email to you is not in your junk/spam folder, it means that your very well-meaning filters have blocked it completely.
This is really important - I'm afraid it's only one person running these (me) and after 6pm I will already be on Zoom, meeting with the model, then starting the session and will NOT be able to check my emails or Instagram for messages. I am unable to take responsiblity for any requests for a link after 6pm on the day of the session, nor will I be able to offer a refund in these circumstances (more on our refund policies below).
What to expect:
You will be able to see all the other artists drawing, but their screens will be small so once you get going, you don’t even notice them - much like being in the studio with other artists - the model’s screen will be large and central. At the beginning, end and in the break everyone will be able to communicate and say hello to each other, but during the session all microphones will be muted apart from mine and the model's.
If you have any problems / suggestions during the session you can type me a message in the ‘chat’ box.
As with our studio sessions, we’ll start with several quick, warm up poses followed by some longer ones and there will be a 10 minute break in between - this will usually be around 8pm.
Please Note: Screen-grabbing, photographing or recording of this session (in any way) is STRICTLY PROHIBITED unless the model has specifically said otherwise to me 🚫 Please respect the trust of the model.
You will need to show your face at the beginning of the session - this is to make sure that you don’t have camera equipment set up, that you are not underage and that you are genuinely an artist. Just to reiterate - Please make sure your video is on at the beginning - anyone who doesn’t will have to be removed from the session and that would be just horrible.
What will you need for the session?
Something to draw with
(anything from a good old fashioned pencil, charcoal, pen, crayons, colour pencils, pastels, ink or paints!)
Paper (loose sheets or sketchbook)
A nice glass of wine or a cup of tea (optional)
Duration: 2 hours (with a 5 minute run-through of pose times and procedures before we start and also a 10 minute break halfway through).
We are based in the UK and are currently in the GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) time zone until the last Sunday in March 2024 when we will be switching forward to BST (British Summer Time).
NY: 2pm - 4pm
LA: 11am - 1pm
Chicago: 1pm - 4pmm
Chicago: 1pm -3pm
Portugal: 7pm - 9pm
Denmark: 8pm - 10pm
Paris: 8pm - 10pm
Berlin: 8pm - 10pm
Salzburg: 8pm - 10pm
Brussels: 8 - 10pm
Please double check your timings if you are not in the UK, these have been researched on the internet and are subject to human error.
If you would like your time zone listed, please do let me know.
There will most likely be nudity in these sessions, so please be advised that younger artists below the age of 16 are only allowed to draw with an accompanying adult.
Due to an extremely small admin team (of 1), the time it takes up and the financial difficulty it causes the HSA (we are charged a percentage for each transaction received AND refunded), we are unable to offer refunds or replacements for orders made in error/changed mind/other. If you have not received your link and have requested a replacement after 6pm on the day of the session, this WILL NOT be considered the responsibility of the HSA (as we have stated clearly that we can't correspond after 6pm before you made your booking).
We are unable to offer refunds or replacements for a date you can't attend.
Your ability to attend or not attend this session is considered your own responsibility - please make sure you double check the date BEFORE placing the order. We understand that to you it’s ‘only one person’, but the admin it causes, the disparity in numbers on our system and the need to know in advance how many attendees we should be expecting - is complicated greatly by requests to move dates/refund payments - we get asked often and it makes running these sessions very difficult without this policy in place. Please understand we want these sessions to be enjoyable for everyone: the attending artists, the model, but also to avoid unecessary stress/admin for the tutors and organisers who also have other jobs as well as running these sessions.
We are unable to offer refunds or replacements for forgotten/missed sessions which are not the responsibility of the school.
We can run a session only if we know we have a certain amount of attendees - if an attendee changes their mind /forgets/is forced to miss it - that can throw the session for not only the tutor/model, but also for all the other people who have paid to attend - it also creates a lot of extra admin for the organiser.
In the extremely rare case where a refund is issued there will be a 25% service charge taken for our time and the payment/booking charges we have incurred.
If you're unable to attend the session through a mishap/error on our part, we will do everything we can to make it up to you. If a recording has been made of the session (not that common sadly), a link to the recording will be sent to you once it has been uploaded to our website. Alternatively you will be offered a replacement place on any of the forthcoming sessions (of the same type), all you have to do is let us know which one you would like to attend and a new link will be sent out to you. You can also choose to receive a full refund - please let us know if that's the case.
Please understand, we have to put these terms and conditions in place to safeguard our business, we make no profit from it - the income from the events is used to pay all charges for Zoom/payment services/website/web-hosting/newsletter services/bank charges etc. (which all REALLY adds up) also for our brilliant tutors, models & photographers and of course to pay the salaries of the hard working person behind the scenes who puts all our workshops and events on.
Online Unguided Life Drawing
£10.00Sale ended