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Mark Draisey

Mark Draisey began his career as one of the caricaturists on Central TV’s Spitting Image back in the late 1980’s, drawing and modelling the puppet heads in clay; after which he became a full- time illustrator, caricaturist and cartoonist working for the BBC, Tatler, Punch, The Week and Country Life as well as many publishers and designers the world over.

He now works as a portrait painter based in Watlington, working primarily in oils and has had his work exhibited at The Royal Society of Portrait Painters and The Royal Institute of Oil Painters annual exhibitions, as well as at the Oxford Art Society open exhibition. He also had his first solo show during Oxfordshire Art Weeks in May 2019 which opened his work to a much wider audience. He works purely on a commission basis and has painted many people living in the South Oxfordshire area as well as John Howell MP and Sinéad Cusack. Mark also paints dog and horse portraits and likes to mix things up a little with the occasional still life and botanical study.




Instagram: @markdraiseyportraits

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